Within the TNT of 16-07-01, issue number 933, Kyrsten Herbert explained very well the stages of the “corrida” or bullfight. She told us how the performance is.
But, at the same time, she didn’t understand anything from the “fiesta”.
If you are a foreigner and you want to see the “bullfithting match”, you must go to the arena as if you were going to an anglican church being catholic.
You have to go inside without any prejudice at all though you’re never going to understand it.
It’s like if a foreigner came here to Britain and he started criticizing the fox hunting, the boring criket or your decadent monarchy.
And, what about if Europe or even more, the crowd of asylum seekers who lives in London tried to change your way of life as they have already done?
The bullfighter plays with his life, he risks his own life each day in the arena. He plays with the death and he deserves a respect.
The bullfighting is pride, love, triumph, glory, wealth…..but it’s at the same time poverty, spite, sand, blood,…..death.
It’s like life, a big number of people has to die or to loose their money in order to keep rich just one, but at the end this one will loose because death will knock on his door like everyone else.
Most of people who criticize the “fiesta” don’t even speak with their families and are they worried about animal rights?
Most of Spaniards difference perfectly between a person (a human being) and an animal. A person will be always a person and an animal will be always an animal. That’s simple.
Even when a huge number of us have pets, they will always be pets. And we cannot put their rights on top of human beings ones.
For most of us our family is the most important thing in our lives.
Could the british society tell the same when there are so huge number of children who will only have a single mother as a whole family and they are condemned to be criminals in the future because nobody told them what is wrong and what is right?
So, if you want to see a “corrida” or bullfighting, good. If you want to go on holidays to Spain, good.
But don’t try to change our way of life because Spain is bullfighting and bullfighting is Spain.
Dando gracias
Hace 13 años